Job Description
As Regional Practice Lead, you will have 4+ years of practical experience in family law and act as a lead advocate for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people interacting with the family justice system.
This position will:
Provide high quality legal services in Family Law matters, including duty lawyer services, representation, advice and information to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in Victoria.
Engage with Aboriginal community stakeholders to identify key community legal education (CLE) needs relevant to the regional and local context.
Link with, and oversee the development of, partnerships and referral and support pathways within the region you’re assigned in, to assist VALS clients with access to other legal assistance and services relevant to them. This includes oversight of Aboriginal client service officers (CSOs) and administrative support based at the each VALS regional hub.
The role holder will have the endorsement or is eligible to become a Panel Certifier on Victorian Legal Aid (VLA) Family Law Panel.
Multiple locations we are hiring for
Bendigo, Morwell, West Melbourne & Mildura